Welcome to the web-page for

the 70cm Repeater in Leuven

TX 438.850 Mhz; -7.6 Mhz split; CTCSS RX & TX 131.8

EchoLink Node number 377156
Wires-X node number 17874

Welcome to ON0RCL the 70cm repeater located in Leuven, Belgium. ON0RCL is run by the Leuven Amateur Radio club. www.radioclubleuven.be (QSL manager for reports ON3AR).

The repeater is located on one of tallest buildings in the Leuven area, 140 meters above sea level. To avoid interference to repeaters on the same frequency, a CTCSS (PL) code 131.8 is required to access the repeater. TX also has 131.8 CTCSS implemented. The system is setup around a RF Cavity filter that gives in excess 90dB separation between TX and RX frequencies. A 4 x 70cm slot dipole antenna is located on one of the tower blocks at Gasthuisberg University Hospital, the highest point in Leuven. This site gives 360 degree coverage for mobiles of around 30 to 70 kms.

We recently (February 2016) purchased a Fusion repeater from Yaesu, the DR1-X which enables us to work in analogue and digital mode (with C4FM modulation). The former TM-441 analogue transceivers performed dutifully the last couple of decades with a Windows based repeater controller. The new Fusion repeater is taking over now. Radio Club Leuven also operates an APRS digipeater on the same site ON0RCL-2 on the 2 m (144.800 Mhz). Works are in progress to enhance the possibilities of this packet mode. Check out soon. See the repeatercrew in action swapping the repeater devices.

At this time users may access the ECHOlink node as follows:


Enter the Echolink node address or Conference address by DTMF codes (e.g. nnnn or nnnnn) [n=a number between 0 and 9]
****Please remember to log out and close connection after use DTMF 73 or # or DTMF ## . ******

Radio Club Leuven also operates an APRS digipeater and Echolik Node from the Club Location (Diestesvest 39 Leuven)